Zabierz swoich walecznych pracowników do krainy Wikingów, gdzie doświadczycie czegoś więcej niż integracji.

Z myślą o firmach poszukujących pomysłu na kreatywny wyjazd integracyjnych, wspólnie ze stowarzyszeniem Wikingów przygotowaliśmy autorski program oparty na kulturze dawnych wojowników morskich.

To właśnie tu, na Wyspie Wolin tysiąc lat temu mieszkali Wikingowie. Do dziś odnaleźć można tu ślady ówczesnej osady Jomsborg, która należała do jednych z ważniejszych na szlaku wojowników.

Wy także możecie poczuć dawny klimat Wikingów i przenieść się z nami w czasie, a to za sprawą autorskiego programu, w którym łączymy rzemiosło, kulturę, muzykę i kuchnię.

Przygotowaliśmy dla Was ofertę, która wspominana będzie latami.

Skontaktuj się z naszym Działem Sprzedaży.

Wspólnie ustalimy termin i przygotujemy szczegółową ofertę.

Aqua Resort jest jednym z największych obiektów nad polskim morzem i oferuje komfortowe apartamenty premium mogące pomieścić nawet 3000 osób. Doskonałym dopełnieniem Resortu jest bogata oferta atrakcji dodatkowych, idealnych do realizacji kreatywnych pobytów.

Just 450m away from the property, the private beach offers many opportunities for unusual additional activities. This is the perfect place to organize yoga, volleyball tournaments as well as an unconventional dinner that will long be remembered by the participants.

Mini Golf is a game of focus and concentration.

The player's goal is to put the ball in the hole with as few strokes as possible.

Skating in the summer? Done ;)

The kinetic ice rink offers many activities ideal for companies. You can organize team-building games there, such as ice hockey or skating races.A great option is also classes with instructors, which allow employees to learn the basics of skating. Organizing competitions and tournaments with prizes increases commitment and fosters team building.

A place with games such as air-curling and billiards, company tournaments and competitions can be held, which promote team integration and healthy competition. Employees can relax and build relationships while playing various arcade and board games. Such a place is perfect for team-building events, where you can combine fun with informal networking. This is an opportunity to spend time together outside the office in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

A place where everyone will find something for themselves.

20 stands with game consoles will allow for a unique opportunity to compete in video game tournaments.

The summer cinema offers guests a unique outdoor movie-watching experience. It can be used for evening movie screenings. It is also an excellent place for special themed events, such as movie premieres, screenings of cinema classics or movie nights with quizzes and contests. For companies, the summer cinema can serve as a venue for team-building events, product presentations or conferences in an informal atmosphere.

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Located by the green trail within the Wolinski National Park. The reservoir takes the shape of a ...
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The 17th Fixed Artillery Battery of Międzyzdroje - Janogród (17 BAS) is situated on Biała Góra. A...
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In the summer season, a rental service for deck chairs, beds, and beach baskets operates at entra...
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Cabana - relaxation zonePrivate cabana is available in two options:Cabana (max 4 people) 90 PLN/d...
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The lower part of the building offers visitors stylish exhibition halls, featuring a rich exposit...
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The structure was built in 1960 on the foundation of a former observation tower. Unfortunately, i...
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The European bison show enclosure is a "display" of live fauna, tastefully integrated into the fo...
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The mini museum of V-3 weapons in Zalesie near Międzyzdroje was opened in 2004 and is one of the ...
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The entrance to the vantage point is located by road no. 102, connecting Międzyzdroje and Kołobrz...
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From the gate of the Wolinski National Park management, in the center of Międzyzdroje, start all ...
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Reaching the vantage point on Kawcza Góra is made possible through a 700-meter forest trail, whic...
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At the site of today's Turquoise Lake, back in German times, was a chalk mine (glacial xenolith) ...
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For guests booking a stay with a TUI KIDS package, there is a team of professional animators who ...
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The blue trail leads to Karnocice along a lovely scenic route, in the vicinity of the waters of t...
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The site provides a unique opportunity to view the Park's scenic diversity. In the foreground, we...
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Visitors can admire the vast and picturesque panoramic view of part of the Szczecin Lagoon, toget...
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Życie bez podróży jest jak potrawa bez soliJeśli zastanawiasz się co warto zwiedzić w Międzyzdroj...
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The Trzciągowska Valley, cutting across the Wolin terminal moraine, remains to this day the most ...
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The exhibition is divided into three sectionsThe natural history section displays the fauna of th...
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The erratic boulders and bouldering sites are picturesque clusters of stones, located on the beac...
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Museum of Fortress History "Fort Zachodni"ul. Jachtowa 172-600 ŚwinoujścieVisit:
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Old Chalk Mine - a documentation site. These are 3 easily accessible small excavations of chalk w...
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Location, area, historyWolinski National Park, established in 1960, protects a part of Poland's l...
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Świdna Kępa or Święta Kępa - a seaside rise of 63 meters above sea level in the Wolin Range on th...
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Discover the list of attractions and suggestions for spending free time in ŚwinoujścieŚWINOUJŚCIE...
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Beaver bite marks consist of numerous incisions of smooth surfaces as if made with a chisel. A sm...
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You can find all the information you need about the Świnoujscie Lighthouse and more by visiting t...
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Giant cedar in WarnowoA giant cedar grows in a clearing in front of the headquarters of Warnowo P...
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Międzyzdroje Pier:Bohaterów Warszawy 18a, 72-500 MiędzyzdrojePier length: 395 m
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Wolinski National Park mobile application is an excellent choice for those looking for a tourist ...
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Bohaterów Warszawy 19Międzyzdroje+48 91 328 25 70
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MiędzyzdrojeA popular area
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Ku Morzu 5, Świnoujście +48 532 373
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Wolińska 10, Świnoujście+48 789 072
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ŚwinoujścieLength: 1400 m
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Turkusowa 3c, Wapnica+48 91 32 13

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