• 3 nights in a comfortable, air-conditioned apartment,
  • morning, fresh juice detox
  • breakfasts in the form of a rich buffet based on the highest quality products,
  • daily light vegetarian lunches served in a plated form,
  • dinners served in the form of a buffet with drinks, herbal teas,
  • daily physical activities and lectures (details of the program on the
Important information


Anna Matuszkiewicz

I help people improve their quality of life through body work, expanding awareness, dismantling patterns, masks, and programs that prevent them from living fully - in joy, fulfillment, and flow.

By combining many personal development methods, I created the Methodology "Program Delete." I teach how to master raging emotions with simple methods, manage your energy, quickly accessing it when needed, or relax the body and mind when it's time to do so.

For over 20 years, I worked in international business. I managed sales at an international bank, one of the world's largest MLM companies, and ran my trading companies. Alongside my business passion, I have been developing my calling for many years - I am a certified teacher of Kundalini Yoga, conscious breathing, and meditation.

Currently, I focus mainly on education, coaching, and supporting the developmental processes of people who trust me with their matters.
I conduct individual and group sessions, lectures, and mentoring programs both online and offline.

Jakub Matuszkiewicz

I am a strategist and marketing consultant, copywriter, and entrepreneur. I am also a Kundalini Yoga teacher and a leader of Men's Circles. In my daily life, I strive to combine these two worlds - business and entrepreneurship with self-care and self-improvement through yoga and meditation.

For the past 10 years, I have been helping myself to live better (with myself, my loved ones, and the world around me) and open more doors to my agency, strength, and love through yoga, breathing workshops, Lowen therapy, and other forms of development that lend their helping hand at any given moment.

This is the opportunity I want to create for others - the choice of their MEDICINE. And I am convinced that we all need it.

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